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  • Composer-Ambroise Thomas
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Swans sing before they die - 'twere no bad thing
Did certain persons die before they sing.

-Samuel Taylor Coleridge

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20 arias found matching your criteria.
No. 1-20 displayed in alphabetical order by opera.

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Pour mon pays en serviteur fide - No. 3
      from Act I, Scene 1 of the French opera, Hamlet by Ambroise Thomas
      Libretto : Jules Barbier and Michel Carré

Spectre infernal! - No. 5, Invocation
      from Act I, Scene 2 of the French opera, Hamlet by Ambroise Thomas
      Libretto : Jules Barbier and Michel Carré

Adieu, dit-il, ayez foi! - No. 6
      from Act II, Scene 1 of the French opera, Hamlet by Ambroise Thomas
      Libretto : Jules Barbier and Michel Carré

Dans son regard plus sombre - No. 7, Arioso
      from Act II, Scene 1 of the French opera, Hamlet by Ambroise Thomas
      Libretto : Jules Barbier and Michel Carré

Ò vin dissipe la tristesse - No. 10, Chanson bacique
      from Act II, Scene 1 of the French opera, Hamlet by Ambroise Thomas
      Libretto : Jules Barbier and Michel Carré

J'ai pu frapper - No. 13
      from Act III of the French opera, Hamlet by Ambroise Thomas
      Libretto : Jules Barbier and Michel Carré

Je t'implore, ô mon frère - No. 14
      from Act III of the French opera, Hamlet by Ambroise Thomas
      Libretto : Jules Barbier and Michel Carré

Partagez-vous mes fleurs - part of No. 18, Valse
      from Act IV of the French opera, Hamlet by Ambroise Thomas
      Libretto : Jules Barbier and Michel Carré

Pâle et blonde - part of No. 18, Ballade
      from Act IV of the French opera, Hamlet by Ambroise Thomas
      Libretto : Jules Barbier and Michel Carré

Comme une pâle fleur - No. 22, Arioso
      from Act V of the French opera, Hamlet by Ambroise Thomas
      Libretto : Jules Barbier and Michel Carré

Oui, je veux par le monde - No. 2
      from Act I of the French opera, Mignon by Ambroise Thomas
      Libretto : Jules Barbier and Michel Carrè

Connais-tu le pays - No. 4, Romance
      from Act I of the French opera, Mignon by Ambroise Thomas
      Libretto : Jules Barbier and Michel Carrè

Je connais un pauvre enfant - No. 10, Styrienne
      from Act II, Scene 1 of the French opera, Mignon by Ambroise Thomas
      Libretto : Jules Barbier and Michel Carrè

Adieu, Mignon - No. 11, Mélodie
      from Act II, Scene 1 of the French opera, Mignon by Ambroise Thomas
      Libretto : Jules Barbier and Michel Carrè

Elle est là! près de lui - No. 12, Recitativo-Cantabile
      from Act II, Scene 2 of the French opera, Mignon by Ambroise Thomas
      Libretto : Jules Barbier and Michel Carrè

Je suis Titania - No. 12ter, Polonaise
      from Act II, Scene 2 of the French opera, Mignon by Ambroise Thomas
      Libretto : Jules Barbier and Michel Carrè

De son coeur j'ai calmé la fièvre! - No. 13, Berceuse
      from Act III of the French opera, Mignon by Ambroise Thomas
      Libretto : Jules Barbier and Michel Carrè

Elle ne croyait pas - No. 14, Romance
      from Act III of the French opera, Mignon by Ambroise Thomas
      Libretto : Jules Barbier and Michel Carrè

Me voici dans son boudoir - Rondo-Gavotte
      from Act II, Scene 1 of the French opera, Mignon by Ambroise Thomas
      Libretto : Jules Barbier and Michel Carrè

Alerte, alerte, Philine!
      from Act II, Scene 1 of the French opera, Mignon by Ambroise Thomas
      Libretto : Jules Barbier and Michel Carrè

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