A listing of over 150 waterfalls in the eastern United States

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Fern Falls
Falls of the Month
Falls of Rocky Mountain National Park, Part IV

Current Guide Stats : 176 waterfalls from 21 states, 131 photographs

Waterfalls are one of nature's most captivating sights. Cascading down from their heights, they always create a sense of wonder that nature could form such a beautiful piece of artwork from mere rocks and water. From the crashing power of the river waterfall to the delicate weaving of a cascading mountain stream, they provide a quick escape from life's problems.

Often, though, they are hidden deep in the forest or in an unmarked area and the troubles one takes in finding them can outweigh the pleasures one gets from them. This guide was created with the purpose of helping people to find and reach waterfalls with a minimum amount of trouble. It is completely searchable, with every waterfall having an entry that includes the waterfall name, a description of the falls, directions for the road and the trail, and the waterfall's vital statistics. Each waterfall is also rated and includes honest advice for the best time to go to the falls. Many photographs also provide a glimpse into these aquatic masterpieces.

To begin your search, select Search Guide above and use the search form to enter characteristics of waterfalls you wish to find. If you wish to see a complete list of the waterfalls currently featured in the Guide, select Browse Guide. Make sure you also take a look at our Falls of the Month which features an extended description and extra photography of a certain waterfall or string of waterfalls every month.

This page written, designed, and maintained by Robert Glaubitz

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