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from Act III of the French opera Faust by Charles-François Gounod
Libretto: Jules Barbier

Role: Siebel, a young man in love with Marguerite
Voice Part: mezzo-soprano       Fach: lyric mezzo
Setting: The garden of Marguerite in a German city, 16th century
Synopsis: Siebel gathers flowers to give to Marguerite. He hopes that they will convey his love to her, but they die as soon as he plucks them. He remembers the evil man who he met earlier (Mèphistophélès) and believes that he has been cursed by him. So, he dips his hands in holy water to remove the curse and goes back to picking flowers.
Range: Tessitura:
D4 - G5G4 - E5
Translations/Aria Texts:
Translation into English by Lea Frey (added 1997-04-17)
Faites- lui mes aveux, Siebel's aria from Faust

Faites-lui mes aveux, portez me voeux!		Make her my confession;  carry my wishes!
Fleurs écloses près d’elle,			Blooming flowers near her,
Dites-lui qu’elle est belle, 			Tell her that she is beautiful,
Que mon coeur, nuit et jour,			That my heart, night and day,
Languit d’amour!				Languishes with love!
Faites- lui mes aveux, portez me voeux!		Make her my confession;  carry my wishes!
Révélez à son âme				Reveal to her soul
Le secret de ma flamme,				The secret of my flame,
Qu’il s’exhale avec vous			So it exhales with you
Parfums plus doux!				Perfumes more sweet!

Fanée!  hélas!  				Wilted!  Alas! 
ce sorcier que Dieu damne			The sorcerer whom God damns
M’ a  porté malheur!				Has brought me bad luck!
Je ne puis, sans qu’elle fane,			I can’t, without it’s withering
Toucher une fleur.				Touch a flower.
Si je trempais mes doigts 			If I dip my fingers
Dans l’eau bénite!				Into holy water!
C’est là que chaque soir			It’s there that each evening
Vient prier Marguerite!				Marguerite comes to pray!
Voyons maintenent!  Voyons vite!		Let’s see now!  Let’s see quickly!
Elles se fanent?  Non!				Do they wilt?  No!
Satan, je ris de toi!				Satan, I laugh at you!
C’est en vous que j’ai foi,			It is in you that I have faith,
Parlez pour moi!				Speak for me!
Qu’elle puisse connaître			May she know
L’émoi qu’elle a fait naître, 			The emotion which she has caused to be born, 
Et dont mon coeur troublé			And of which my troubled heart
N’a point parlé!				Has scarcely spoken!
C’est en vous que j’ai foi,			It is in you that I have faith,
Parlez pour moi!				Speak for me!
Si l’amour l’éffarouche				If love alarms her
Que la fleur sur sa bouche			May the flower on her mouth
Sache au moins déposer				Try at least to deposit
Un doux baiser!					A sweet kiss!
Un baiser, un doux baiser!			A kiss, a sweet kiss!

Word-by-word translation by Lea Frey,
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