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from Prologue, Scene 1 of the Italian opera Giovanna d'Arco by Giuseppe Verdi
Libretto: Temistocle Solera

Role: Carlo VII, the King of France
Voice Part: tenor       Fach: lyric tenor
Setting: A large hall in Dom-Rémy, France, 1429
Synopsis: Carlo declares that the fighting in Orleans should stop and that an emissary will be sent to the English opposition to end it. He does not care if he dies and, in fact, wishes God would take out his vengeance against him alone instead of his people. Then he proceeds to tell the assembled court about his dream. He dreamed that he was lying underneath an oak that had a image of the Virgin Mary painted on it. Suddenly, the painting spoke and told him to take a sword and a helmet and place them before it. He ends by praying again that France be saved.
Range: Tessitura:
D#/Eb3 - G#/Ab4G#/Ab3 - F#/Gb4
Translations/Aria Texts:
Libretto entered by Robert Glaubitz (added 1997-04-17)
Sotto una quercia parvemi, Carlo's aria from Giovanna d'Arco

Sotto una quercia parvemi
Posar la fronte mesta;
Splendea dipinta Vergine
In mezzo all foresta...
Mosse di là comando
Che, sorgi, disse, <>
Le tue parole o Vergine
Carlo umilmente adora;
Ti fregierò l'immagine
Di mia corona ancora..
Ma il sangue si deterga
Ond'è la patria in duolo;
Ma la straniera verga sia mite
Al franco suol sia mite.  Ah!
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