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from Act I of the German opera Lohengrin by Richard Wagner
Libretto: Richard Wagner

Role: Elsa of Brabant, a young woman, daughter of the late Duke
Voice Part: soprano       Fach: dramatic soprano
Setting: a plain on the banks of the Schelbt, Antwerp, first half of the 10th century
Synopsis: Elsa sings her praise to God for all that he has done for her, including sending a holy Knight to protect her.
Range: Tessitura:
F4 - A#/Bb5A#/Bb4 - G5
Translations/Aria Texts:
Libretto entered by Robert Glaubitz (added 1999-02-25)
O fänd' ich Jubelweisen, Elsa's aria from Lohengrin

O fänd' ich Jubelweisen,
deinem Ruhme gleich,
dich würdig zu preisen,
an höchstem Lobe reich!
In dir muß ich vergehen,
vor dir schwind' ich dahin,
soll ich mich selig sehen,
nimm alles, was ich bin! 
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