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from Act II of the Italian opera Giovanna d'Arco by Giuseppe Verdi
Libretto: Temistocle Solera

Role: Giacomo, a shepherd
Voice Part: baritone       Fach: dramatic baritone
Setting: The main square in front of the Cathedral of St. Denis in Rheims, France, 1429
Synopsis: Giacomo has now come to terms with his betrayal of his daughter to the English. He is sure now that it will be the best for France if he rids the country of this woman whom he believes has gone over to the Devil. He sings of her as she used to be : a obedient, faithful daughter who would have taken care of him for the rest of his years. He regrets that now he must turn her in, but resolves that he will do his part by making sure she is not burned at the stake.
Range: Tessitura:
C3 - F#/Gb4F#/Gb3 - D#/Eb4
Translations/Aria Texts:
Libretto entered by Robert Glaubitz (added 1997-04-17)
Speme al vecchio era una figlia, Giacomo's aria from Giovanna d'Arco

Speme al vecchio era una figlia...
Dovea chidermi le ciglia...
Or costei crudele affano!
Vengo io stesso ad accusar.
Di vergogna e di dolore
Olocausto offro al Signor...
Ah! possa a eterno danno
Quella misera sottrar!
Sheet Music/Scores:
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