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Oltre quel limite, t'attendo, o spettro - Cabaletta for "Mentre gonfiarsi l'anima"
from Act I, Scene 2 of the Italian opera Attila by Giuseppe Verdi
Libretto: Temistocle Solera

Role: Attila, the King of the Huns
Voice Part: bass       Fach: lyric bass
Setting: Attila's camp, 5th century
Synopsis: After awakening from his sleep because a dream that the Romans will defeat his army, Attila discounts the dream, becoming angry and ordering all his men to prepare for battle against the remainders of the Aquileian troops at once.
Range: Tessitura:
C3 - F4E3 - D4
Translations/Aria Texts:
Libretto entered by Robert Glaubitz (added 1997-04-14)
Oltre quel limite t'attendo, o spettro!, Attila's cabaletta from Attila

Oltre quel limite t'attendo, o spettro!
Vietarlo ad Attila chi mai potrà?
Vedrai se pavido io là m'arretro,
Se alfin me vindice il mondo avrà.
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