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Composer: Arthur Sullivan
Description: captain of the H.M.S. Pinafore, father of Josephine
Voice Part: baritone
Vocal Fach: lyric baritone
I am the Captain of the Pinafore - from Act I. Range: 3C - 4E    Extras: Libretto entered by MIDI version by
Fair moon, to thee I sing - from Act II. Range: 3C - 4F#/Gb    Extras: Libretto entered by MIDI version by
I am the Captain of the Pinafore, Captain Corcoran's aria from HMS Pinafore

CAPT.	My gallant crew, good morning.
ALL 	Sir, good morning!
CAPT.	I hope you're all quite well.
ALL 	Quite well; and you, sir?
CAPT.	I am in reasonable health, and happy
     	To meet you all once more.
ALL	You do us proud, sir!

CAPT.	I am the Captain of the Pinafore;
ALL.	And a right good captain, too!
CAPT.	You're very, very good,
     	And be it understood,
    	I command a right good crew,
ALL.	We're very, very good,
	And be it understood,
	He commands a right good crew.
CAPT.	Though related to a peer,
	I can hand, reef, and steer,
	And ship a selvagee;
	I am never known to quail
	At the fury of a gale,
	And I'm never, never sick at sea!
ALL. 	What, never?
CAPT.	No, never!
ALL. 	What, never?
CAPT.	Hardly ever!
ALL. 	He's hardly ever sick at sea!
	Then give three cheers, and one cheer more,
	For the hardy Captain of the Pinafore!

CAPT.	I do my best to satisfy you all--
ALL. 	And with you we're quite content.
CAPT.	You're exceedingly polite,
	And I think it only right
	To return the compliment.
ALL. 	We're exceedingly polite,
	And he thinks it's only right
	To return the compliment.
CAPT.	Bad language or abuse,
	I never, never use,
	Whatever the emergency;
	Though "Bother it" I may
	Occasionally say,
	I never use a big, big D--
ALL.	What, never?
CAPT.	No, never!
ALL.	What, never?
CAPT.	Hardly ever!
ALL. 	Hardly ever swears a big, big D--
     	Then give three cheers, and one cheer more,
	For the well-bred Captain of the Pinafore!
Fair moon, to thee I sing, Captain Corcoran's aria from HMS Pinafore

Fair moon, to thee I sing,
Bright regent of the heavens,
Say, why is everything
Either at sixes or at sevens?
I have lived hitherto
Free from breath of slander,
Beloved by all my crew--
A really popular commander.
But now my kindly crew rebel,
My daughter to a tar is partial,
Sir Joseph storms, and, sad to tell,
He threatens a court martial!
Fair moon, to thee I sing,
Bright regent of the heavens,
Say, why is everything
Either at sixes or at sevens?
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