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Composer: Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart
Description: a noblewoman, Don Ottavio's fiancee, daughter of Commendatore Seville.
Voice Part: soprano
Vocal Fach: dramatic coloratura
Don Ottavio...Or sai chi l'onore - from Act I, Scene IV. Range: 4F - 5A    Extras: Translation into English by The Ultimate Soprano Aria Album (Version 2.0) by   -
Non mi dir - from Act II, Scene V. Range: 4E - 5A#/Bb    Extras: Translation into English by MIDI version by Cantolopera: Arias for Soprano - Volume 3 by   - The Ultimate Soprano Aria Album (Version 2.0) by   - Prima Donna
Or sai chi l'onore, Donna Anna's aria from Don Giovanni

Or sai chi l'onore	Now you know who sought
Rapire a me volse,	to steal my honor,
Chi fu il traditore	who was the betrayer
Che il padre mi tolse.	who killed my father:
Vendetta ti chiedo,	I ask you vengeance,
La chiede il tuo cor.	your heart asks it too.
Rammenta la piaga	Remember the wound
Del misero seno,	gaping in his poor breast,
Rimira di sangue	recall the earth
Coperto il terreno.	covered with his blood,
Se l'ira in te langue	if ever the wrath of a just fury
D'un giusto furor.	should weaken in you. 

Translation by Camila Argolo Freitas Batista (
Non mi dir, Donna Anna's recit. and aria from Don Giovanni

Crudele?				I cruel?
Ah no, giammai mio ben! 		Ah no, my dearest!
Troppo mi spiace allontanarti 		It grieves me much to postpone
un ben che lungamente 			a bliss we have for long desired...
	la nostr'alma desia... 
Ma il mondo, o Dio!			But what would the world say?
Non sedur la costanza			Do not tempt the fortitude
del sensibil mio core;			of my tender heart,
ahbastanza per te mi parla amore	which already pleads your loving cause.

Non mi dir, bell'idol mio,		Say not, my beloved,
Che son io crudel con te.		that I am cruel to you:
Tu ben sai quant'io t'amai,		you must know how much I loved you,
Tu conosci la mia fe'.			and you know what I am true.
Calma, calma il tuo tormento,		Calm your torments,
Se di duol non vuoi ch'io mora.		if you would not have me die of grief.
Forse un giorno il cielo ancora		One day, perhaps, Heaven again
Sentirà pietà di me.			will smile on me.

Translation by Camila Argolo Freitas Batista ( 
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