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from Act II, Scene II of the Italian opera Oberto, Conte di San Bonifacio by Giuseppe Verdi
Libretto: Antonio Piazza

Role: Riccardo, Count of Salinguerra
Voice Part: tenor       Fach: lyric tenor
Setting: a deserted place close to the gardens of the castle
Synopsis: While holding a sword, Riccardo declares that he has just killed Oberto. As he sings this aria, he thinks he hears a groan but decides at first that it must have been the wind. He hears the noise again, though, and decides that it must have come from a human.
Range: Tessitura:
not enterednot entered
Translations/Aria Texts:
Libretto entered by Stephen Parker (added 1998-08-13)
Ciel, che feci!, Riccardo's aria from Oberto

Ciel, che feci! . . . di quel sangue
ho macchiato il brando mio! . . .
Dove ascondere poss'io
il delitto, il mio rossor?
Ah, sì fugga! . . .
Oh Dio! . . . Chi langue? . . . 
M'ingannai . . . sussurra il vento.
Ah no! . . . l'ultimo lamento
è del misero che muor.
Ciel pietosa, ciel clemente,
se pregarti ancor mi lice,
deh! Perdona a un infelice,
tu mi salva per pieta!
Oh rimorso! Del morente
l'ombra ognor m'inseguirà.
Sheet Music/Scores:
Verdi, Giuseppe. Favorite Tenor Arias. Published by Ricordi. Available at
Verdi, Giuseppe. Arias for Tenor. Published by Ricordi. Available at and
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