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from Act I of the French opera La Juive by Jacques François Fromental Halévy
Libretto: Eugène Scribe

Role: Cardinal de Brogni, president of the Council
Voice Part: bass
Setting: a square in Constance, Switzerland, 1414
Synopsis: Brogni and Eléazar meet in the square after Eléazar is brought before the provost of the town for working during a holiday in honor of the Emperor. Eléazar is upset because of the inequalities between the treatment of Christians and he and his daughter, who are Jewish. Brogni then prays that the Jewish people will find enlightenment in the Christian faith.
Range: Tessitura:
F2 - C4C3 - A#/Bb3
Translations/Aria Texts:
Translation into Italian by Ugo Berardi (added 2000-02-28)
Italian translation of Si la riguer, Brogni's aria from La Juive

Si la riguer et la vengeance  	Se il riogor e la  vendetta
leur font hair ta sainte loi, 	lor fanno odiar tua santa legge,
que le pardon,que la clemence 	che il perdono e la clemenza,
mon Dieu, les ramène en ce    	mio Dio, li riporti in
	jour vers toi. 			tal dì verso te.

Translation by Ugo Berardi,
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