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from Act I of the Italian opera Agrippina by George Frideric Handel
Libretto: Cardinal Vincenzo Grimani

Role: Agrippina, the wife of Emperor Claudio, mother of Nerone
Voice Part: soprano       Fach: lyric coloratura
Setting: Rome, 1st century AD
Synopsis: Agrippina has told Pallante that her husband, Emperor Claudio, has died. Although this is false, Pallante believes it and realizes that this might be his chance to win Agrippina's heart. He sings of his love for her.
Range: Tessitura:
E4 - F5F4 - F5
Translations/Aria Texts:
Libretto entered by Robert Glaubitz (added 1999-11-16)
L'alma mia frà le tempeste, Agrippina's aria from Agrippina

L'alma mia frà le tempeste
ritrovar spera il suo porto.

Di costanza armato ho io petto,
che d'un regno al dolce aspetto
le procelle più funeste
son oggetti di conforto.
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