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from Act I, Scene I of the German opera Die Entführung aus dem Serail by Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart
Libretto: Christoph Friedrich Bretzner

Role: Osmin, custodian of the Pasha's country house
Voice Part: bass       Fach: heavy bass
Setting: the seaside country estate of Pasha Selim
Synopsis: After Pedrillo, Belmonte, Blondchen, and Konstanze are captured trying to escape, Osmin sings of the delight that he will have when they are all hanged.
Range: Tessitura:
D2 - D4D3 - D4
Translations/Aria Texts:
Translation into English by Camila Argolo Freitas Batista (added 1997-08-06)
Ha, wie will ich triumphieren, Osmin's aria from Die Entführung aus dem Serail

Ha, wie will ich triumphieren,		Ah, how I shall triumph
Wenn sie euch zum Richtplatz führen	when they lead you to the gallows
Und die Hälse schnüren zu!		and string you up by the neck!
Hüpfen will ich, lachen, springen	I shall gambol, laugh and skip
Und ein Freudenliedchen singen,		and sing a little song of joy,
Denn nun hab' ich vor euch Ruh.		for then I shall be rid of you.
Schleicht nur säuberlich und leise,	However softly and cautiously
Ihr verdammten Haremsmäuse,		you creep, you damned harem-mice,
Inser Ohr entdeckt euch schon,		our ears soon detect you,
Und eh' ihr uns könnt entspringen,	and before you can escape
Seh ich euch in unsern Schlingen,	you find ourselves in our snare
Und erhaschet euren Lohn.		and receive your just deserts.

Translation by Camila Argolo Freitas Batista (
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