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Comme une pâle fleur - No. 22, Arioso
from Act V of the French opera Hamlet by Ambroise Thomas
Libretto: Jules Barbier

Role: Hamlet, Prince of Denmark
Voice Part: baritone       Fach: lyric baritone
Setting: A cemetary near Elsinore Castle, Denmark, 16th century
Synopsis: Hamlet knows that Ophélie has gone mad. He figures that his cruelty towards her caused her madness and wishes that he had not treated her in this way. He hopes that she will forgive him, not knowing that she is actually now dead.
Range: Tessitura:
C#/Db3 - F#/Gb4C#/Db3 - D#/Eb4
Translations/Aria Texts:
Translation into Italian by Ugo Berardi (added 2000-01-05)
Italian translation of Comme une pale fleur, Hamlet's aria from Hamlet

Comme une pale fleur           Come un pallido fior
éclose au souffle de la tombe, dischiuso al soffio della tomba,
sous le coups du malheur       sotto i colpi della mala sorte
ton coeur brisè trenble et     l'infelice tuo cor trema
                    succombe!               e soccombe!
De mon testin fatral           Del mio destin fatale
Dieu t'impose la loi!          Dio t'impose la legge!
Hélas! pardonne-moi!           Ahimé, perdonami!
Par mon refus cruel,           Pel mio crudel rifiuto,
ton ame à jamais désolée,      la tua anima ormai desolata,
n'aspire plus qu'au coel       non aspira che al ciel
où ta raison s'est envolée!    ove la tua mente se n'é volata!
Hélas! Pardonne-moi!           Ahimè! Perdonami!
Vois mes larmes, chère Ophelie! Guarda il mio pianto,Ofelia cara!

Translation by Ugo Berardi (
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