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from Act I, Scene I of the German opera Die Zauberflöte by Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart
Libretto: Emanuel Schikaneder

Role: Tamino, a young prince of Egypt
Voice Part: tenor       Fach: tenor leggiero
Setting: A magical forest
Synopsis: When the Three Ladies come by and take Papageno away, they give Prince Tamino a portrait of Princess Pamina. He is captured by her beauty.
Range: Tessitura:
F3 - G#/Ab4A#/Bb3 - G#/Ab4
Translations/Aria Texts:
Translation into English by Lea Frey (added 1997-11-04)
"Dies Bildnis ist bezaubernd schön"    --   Tamino's aria from Die Zauberflöte

Dies Bildnis ist bezaubernd schön,	       	This likeness is enchantingly lovely,
Wie noch kein Auge je geseh'n!	     		As no eye has ever beheld !
Ich fühl' es, wie dies Götterbild	     	I feel it, as this heavenly picture
Mein Herz mit neuer Regung füllt.	     	My heart with new emotion fills.
Dies' etwas kann ich zwar nicht nennen,     	This something I can not name,
Doch fühl' ich¹s hier wie Feuer brennen.  	Yet I feel it here like fire burning.
Soll die Empfindung Liebe sein?	      		Can the feeling be love?
Ja, ja, die Liebe ist's allein.		      	Yes, yes, love it is alone.
O, wenn ich sie nur finden könnte!        	O, if only I could find her!
O, wenn sie doch schon vor mir stände!  	O, if only she were standing before me!		
Ich würde, würde, warm und rein,	    	I would, would, warmly and chastely,
Was würde ich?  Ich würde sie voll Entzücken	What would I do?  I would full of rapture her
An diesen heissen Busen drücken			Against this glowing bosom press
Und ewig wäre sie dann mein.	      		And forever then she would be mine.

word-by-word translation by  
Lea F. Frey (
Sheet Music/Scores:
The Ultimate Tenor Aria Album (Version 2.0). Published by CD Sheet Music. Available at and
Adler, Kurt. Operatic Anthology, Volume 3 - Tenor. Published by G. Schirmer. Available at and
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