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Composer: Francesco Cilèa
Description: son of Rosa Mamai, in love with a woman from Arles
Voice Part: tenor
Vocal Fach: spinto tenor
E' la solita storia (Lamento di Federico) - from Act II. Range: 3E - 4A    Extras: Translation into English by MIDI version by Sibelius version by The Ultimate Tenor Aria Album (Version 2.0) by   - Anthology of Italian Opera - Tenor by   -
E' la solita storia, Federico's aria from L'Arlesiana

E' la solita storia del pastore...	It's the usual story of the shepherd...
Il povero ragazzo volvea raccontarla, 	The poor boy wanted to tell it,
e s'addormi.				but fell asleep.
C'è nel sonno l'oblio,			There is oblivion in sleep..
Come l'invidio!				How I envy him!
Anch'io vorrei dormir così		I too would like to sleep like this -
nel sonno almeno l'oblio trovar!	within sleep to find oblivion!
La pace sol cercando io vò:		I only want to find peace:
vorrei poter tutto scordar.		If only I could forget everything.
Ma ogni sforzo è vanno..		But all struggles are in vain.
Davanti ho sempre di lei 		I still see before me 
il dolce sembiante!			her sweet visage..
La pace tolta è sempre a me...		But all struggles are in vain.
Perché degg'io tanto penar?		Why must I suffer so much pain?
Lei!... sempre mi parla al cor!		She!.. How she always spoke to my heart!
Fatale vision, mi lascia! 		Fatal vision, leave me!
mi fai tanto male! Ahimè!		You hurt me so much! Oh poor me!

Translation by Hagy (
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