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from Act II of the German opera Die Entführung aus dem Serail by Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart
Libretto: Christoph Friedrich Bretzner

Role: Konstanze, a noble Spanish lady
Voice Part: soprano       Fach: dramatic coloratura
Setting: the gardens of Pasha Selim's country house
Synopsis: Selim demands that Konstanze love him or suffer torture. Inspired by Blondchen, Konstanze declared that she will never be unfaithful even though it means that she suffer torture, misery, pain and even death. If he releases his demands on her, though, heaven will forgive him.
Range: Tessitura:
B3 - D6G4 - C6
Translations/Aria Texts:
Translation into English by Camila Argolo Freitas Batista (added 1997-08-06)
Martern aller Arten, Konstanze's aria from Die Entführung aus dem Serail

Martern aller Arten			Tortures of every kind
Mögen meiner warten,			may await me;
Ich verlache Qual und Pein.		I scorn torment and pain.
Nichts soll mich erschüttern.		Nothing will shake my resolve;
Nur dann würd' ich zittern,		I would tremble only
Wenn ich untreu könnte sein.		if I were untrue to him.
Lass dich bewegen, verschone mich!	Be moved to pity, spare me!
Des Himmels Segen belohne dich!		The heaven's blessing shall reward you!
Doch du bist entschlossen.		But you are determined.
Willig, unverdrossen,			Willingly, unflinchingly
Wähl ich jede Pein und Not.		I accept every pain and grief.
Ordne nur, gebiete,			Then order, command,
Lärme, tobe, wüte,			bluster, roar and rage!
Zuletzt befreit mich doch der Tod.	death will liberate me in the end.

Translation by Camila Argolo Freitas Batista (
Sheet Music/Scores:
The Ultimate Soprano Aria Album (Version 2.0). Published by CD Sheet Music. Available at and
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