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Casta Diva...Fine al rito - No. 4, Cavatina and Cabaletta
from Act I of the Italian opera Norma by Vincenzo Bellini
Libretto: Felice Romani

Role: Norma, High Priestess of the Druid Temple of Esus
Voice Part: soprano       Fach: dramatic coloratura
Setting: Night in the Druid's sacred forest, Gaul, around 50 B.C.
Synopsis: The Druids have come to meet with Norma, their high priestess. They want to revolt against their Roman oppressors but Norma convinces them that their time to rise up has not come yet. The Romans will be defeated by their own failings. Norma then invokes the moon and prays for peace. While the chorus of Druids sings their derison for the Romans, Norma sings her cabaletta, privately worrying that that the hatred for the Romans must also translate to hatred for Pollione, her secret Roman lover.
Range: Tessitura:
F4 - C6G4 - B5
Translations/Aria Texts:
Translation into English by Stefano Olcese (added 1998-09-02)
Casta Diva, Norma's aria from Norma

Casta Diva, che inargenti		O pure Goddess, who silver
queste sacre antiche piante,		These sacred ancient plants,
a noi volgi il bel sembiante		Turn thy beautiful semblance on us 
senza nube e senza vel...		Unclouded and unveiled... 
Tempra, o Diva, 			Temper, o Goddess,
tempra tu de’ cori ardenti		The brave zeal
tempra ancora lo zelo audace,		Of the ardent spirits,
spargi in terra quella pace 		Scatter on the earth the peace 
che regnar tu fai nel ciel...  		Thou make reign in the sky...  

Fine al rito : e il sacro bosco		Complete the rite : and the sacred wood 
Sia disgombro dai profani.		Be clear of the laity.
Quando il Nume irato e fosco,		When the irate and gloomy God  
Chiegga il sangue dei Romani,		Asks for the Roman’s blood	
Dal Druidico delubro 			My voice will thunder
La mia voce tuonerà.			From the Druidic temple.
Cadrà; punirlo io posso.		He will fall ; I can punish him
(Ma, punirlo, il cor non sa.		(But my heart is unable to do so).	
Ah! bello a me ritorna 			(Ah! Return to me beautiful
Del fido amor primiero;			In your first true love ; 
E contro il mondo intiero...		I’ll protect you
Difesa a te sarò.			Against the entire world.
Ah! bello a me ritorna 			Ah! Return to me beautiful 
Del raggio tuo sereno;			With your serene ray;
E vita nel tuo seno, 			I’ll have life, sky
E patria e cielo avrò.			And homeland in your heart.
Ah, riedi ancora qual eri allora,	Ah, return again as you were then,
Quando il cor ti diedi allora,		When I gave you my heart then,
Ah, riedi a me.)			Ah, come back to me.) 

Translation by Stefano Olcese (
Sheet Music/Scores:
The Ultimate Soprano Aria Album (Version 2.0). Published by CD Sheet Music. Available at and
Prima Donna's Album. Published by G. Schirmer. Available at and
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