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from Act I of the French opera Roméo et Juliette by Charles-François Gounod
Libretto: Jules Barbier

Role: Juliet, daughter of Capulet
Voice Part: soprano       Fach: lyric coloratura
Setting: The Capulet's ballroom, Verona, Italy, 14th century
Synopsis: When others speak of marriage to her, Juliet sings that she would like to live inside her dream where it is eternally spring.
Range: Tessitura:
C4 - D6E4 - A5
Translations/Aria Texts:
Translation into English by Robert Glaubitz (added 1998-08-12)
Je veux vivre, Juliette's aria from Romeo et Juliette

Je veux vivre 			I want to live
Dans le rêve qui m'enivre	In the dream that exhilarates me
Ce jour encor!			This day again!
Douce flamme,			Sweet flame,
Je te garde dans mon âme	I guard you in my soul
Comme un trésor!		Like a treasure!

Cette ivresse de jeunesse	This rapture of youthfulness
Ne dure hélas! qu'un jour,	Doesn't last, alas! but a day,
Puis vient l'heure		Then comes the hour
Oú l'on pleure,			At which one cries,
Le coeur cède à l'amour,	The heart surrenders to love
Et le bonheur fuit sans retour!	And the happiness flies without returning

Loin de l'hiver morose,		Far from a morose winter,
Laisse moi sommeiller,		Let me slumber
Et respirer la rose,		And breath in the rose
Avant de l'effeuiller.		Before it dies.

Translated by Robert Glaubitz,
Translation into English by Lea Frey (added 1998-08-12)
Je veux vivre, Juliette's aria from Romeo et Juliette

Je veux vivre				I want to live
Dans ce rêve qui m'enivre		In this dream which intoxicates me
Ce jour encore,				This day still,
Douce flamme				Sweet flame
Je te garde dans mon âme		I keep you in my soul
Comme un trésor!			Like a treasure!
Je veux vivre, etc.			I want to live, etc.
Cette ivresse de jeunesse		This intoxication of youth
Ne dure, hêlas! qu'un jour!		Lasts, alas, only for one day!
Puis vient l'heure			Then comes the hour
Où l'on pleure.				When one weeps.
Loin de l'hiver morose			Far from the morose winter
Laisse moi, laisse moi sommeiller	Let me, let me slumber
Et respirer la rose,			And inhale the rose,
Avant de l'effeuiller.			Before plucking its petals.
Ah! - Ah! - Ah!				Ah! - Ah! - Ah!
Douce flamme!				Sweet flame!
Reste dans mon âme			Stay in my soul
Comme un doux trésor			Like a sweet treasure
Longtemps encore.			For a long time still.
Ah! - Comme un trésor			Ah! - Like a treasure
Longtemps encore.			For a long time still.

Translated by Lea Frey (
Sheet Music/Scores:
Larsen, Robert. Arias for Soprano. Published by G. Schirmer. Available at and
The Ultimate Soprano Aria Album (Version 2.0). Published by CD Sheet Music. Available at and
Prima Donna's Album. Published by G. Schirmer. Available at and
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