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Bella siccome un angelo - No. 2, Romanza
from Act I, Scene 1 of the Italian opera Don Pasquale by Gaetano Donizetti
Libretto: Gaetano Donizetti

Role: Doctor Malatesta, a friend of Ernesto and Don Pasquale
Voice Part: baritone       Fach: lyric baritone
Setting: a room in Don Pasquale's house, Rome, early 19th century
Synopsis: For a long time, Don Pasquale has been looking for a young woman to marry. He has asked his friend, Doctor Malatesta, to find a woman for him. Malatesta describes the beautiful woman he has found, who he tells Pasquale is his sister.
Range: Tessitura:
G#/Ab2 - F4C#/Db3 - C#/Db4
Translations/Aria Texts:
Translation into English by Robert Glaubitz (added 1997-12-21)
Bella siccome un angelo, Malatesta'as aria from Don Pasquale

Bella siccome un angelo		Beautiful as an angel
In terra pellegrino.		On earth as a pilgrim.
Fresca siccome un giglio	Fresh as a lily
Che s'apre sul mattino.		That opens upon morning.
Occhio che parla e ride,	Eyes that speak and laugh,
Sguardo che i cor conquide,	Glances that conquer the heart,
Chioma che vince l'ebano,	Hair that surpasses ebony,
Sorriso incantator!		Enchanting smile!

Alma innocente, ingenua,	A soul innocent and ingenuous
Che se medesma ignora.		That ignores itself.
Modestia impareggiabile		Modesty incomparable
Bontá che v'innamora.		Goodness that makes one fall in love.
Ai miseri pietoso,		To the poor piteous,
Gentil, dolce, amoroso!		Gentle, sweet, loving!
Il ciel l'ha fatta nascere	Heaven made her be born
Per far beato un cor!		To make a heart beat!

Translation by Robert Glaubitz 
Sheet Music/Scores:
Anthology of Italian Opera - Baritone. Published by Ricordi. Available at and
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