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from Act III of the Italian opera Le Nozze di Figaro by Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart
Libretto: Lorenzo da Ponte

Role: Count Almaviva, the lord of the estate
Voice Part: baritone       Fach: lyric baritone
Setting: the Count's castle in the evening
Synopsis: Count Almaviva believes Susanna will be meeting him in his gardens on the night of her marriage to Figaro, which he also may be able to prevent through legal means. He overhears the two lovers talking confidently about defeating the Count's legal challenge and becomes incensed.
Range: Tessitura:
A2 - F#/Gb4C3 - D4
Translations/Aria Texts:
Translation into English by Jane Bishop (added 1997-04-22)
Vedrò mentr'io sospiro, Count Almaviva's aria from Le Nozze di Figaro

Hai già vinta la causa!                	"You've won the case already"!
Cosa sento?                            	What do I hear?
In qual laccio cadea?                 	What trap have I fallen into?
Perfidi! io voglio di tal modo punirvi,	Scoundrels! I'll punish you in 
                                                            this way,
A piacer mio la sentenza sarà.        	The decision will be how I want it.
Ma s'ei pagasse la vecchia pretendente?	But if he pays off the old plaintiff?
Pagarla! In qual maniera?             	Pay her! How?
E poi v'è Antonio 			And then there's Antonio,
Che all'incognito Figaro ricusa 	Who won't give his niece in
Di dare una nipote in matrimonio.   	marriage to the nobody Figaro.
Coltivando l'orgoglio di questo    	To nurture that lamebrain's pride...
Tutto giova a un raggiro... 		Everything's useful for the plot...
Il colpo è fatto.   			The deed is done.

Vedrò mentr'io sospiro               	Shall I, while I'm sighing,
Felice un servo mio?                  	See one of my servants happy?
E un ben che invan desio,            	And the good thing I want in vain,
Ei posseder dovrà?                   	Shall he have it?
Vedrò per man d'amore                	Shall I see the woman who woke in me
Unita a un vile oggetto               	A feeling she doesn't have for me
Chi in me destò un affetto,          	United to a vile object
Che per me poi non ha?                	By the hand of love?

Ah no! lasciar in pace              	Ah no! I won't leave
Non vo' questo contento,             	This happiness in peace,
Tu non nascesti, audace,            	You weren't born, rash person,
Per dare a me tormento,              	To torture me,
E forse ancor per ridere            	And maybe to laugh
Di mia infelicità.                   	At my unhappiness.
Già la speranza sola                	Now only the hope
delle vendette mie                   	Of the revenges I'll have
Quest'anima consola,                 	Consoles this soul
E giubilar mi fa.                    	And makes me rejoice.

Word-by-word translation by Jane Bishop,
Sheet Music/Scores:
Anthology of Italian Opera - Baritone. Published by Ricordi. Available at and
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