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from Act III, Scene 1 of the Italian opera I Due Foscari by Giuseppe Verdi
Libretto: Francesco Maria Piave

Role: Jacopo Foscari, the son of Francesco Foscari
Voice Part: tenor       Fach: spinto
Setting: the Old Piazzetta of San Marco, Venice, 1457
Synopsis: About to leave for his exile, Jacopo says farewell to his wife and children, singing to his wife to take care of the children. When she shows her sadness, he reminds her that she was not always a Foscari and was born a Contarini.
Range: Tessitura:
D#/Eb3 - A#/Bb4G#/Ab3 - G#/Ab4
Translations/Aria Texts:
Libretto entered by Robert Glaubitz (added 1997-04-17)
All'infelice veglio, Jacopo's aria from I Due Foscari

All'infelice veglio conforta tu il dolore
De' figli nostri in core tu ispira la virtù.
A lor di me favella :
Di'che innocente io sono
Che parto, che perdono, che ci vedrem lassù.

Di Contarini e Foscari mostrati figlia e sposa;
Che te non veggan piangere gioire alcun ne può.
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