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Allmächt'ger Vater (Rienzi's Prayer) - No. 13, Introduction and Gebet
from Act V of the German opera Rienzi by Richard Wagner
Libretto: Richard Wagner

Role: Cola Rienzi, Roman tribune, brother of Irene
Voice Part: tenor       Fach: dramatic tenor/heldentenor
Setting: a hall in the Capitol of Rome, Italy, middle of the 14th century
Synopsis: Rienzi has been excommunicated for leading a force of Roman citizens against the treacherous Roman nobles, prompting everyone to abandon their support of him. On the brink of disaster, Rienzi prays to God that he might be given strength to weather the crisis. He feels that he is doing God's work by empowering the common citizen.
Range: Tessitura:
F3 - G#/Ab4G3 - G4
Translations/Aria Texts:
Translation into English by Michael Morbach (added 2000-07-18)
Allmächt'ger Vater, Rienzi's aria from Rienzi

Allmächt'ger Vater, blick herab!   		Almighty Father, look down!
Hör mich im Staube zu dir flehn!   		Hear me, in the dust, pray to you!
Die Macht, die mir dein Wunder gab,   		The strength that your authority gave to me,
laß jetzt noch nicht zugrunde gehn!   		let it not yet perish!
Du stärktest mich, du gabst mir hohe Kraft, 	You strengthened me, You gave me great power
du liehest mir erhabne Eigenschaft:   		You lent me noble character:
zu hellen den, der niedrig denkt,   		to make bright that which was thought inferior,
zu heben, was im Staub versenkt.   		to elevate what sank into the dust.
Du wandeltest des Volkes Schmach   		You changed the humiliation of the people
zu Hoheit, Glanz und Majestät!   		into nobility, splendor, and majesty!
O Gott, vernichte nicht das Werk,   		O God, do not destroy the work
das dir zum Preis errichtet steht!   		that stands to you at the price established!
Ach, löse, Herr, die tiefe Nacht,   		Ah, dissolve, Lord, the dark night,
die noch der Menschen Seelen deckt!   		that still covers the souls of men!
Schenk uns den Abglanz deiner Macht,  		Grant us the reflection of your authority,
die sich in Ewigkeit erstreckt!   		that extends itself into eternity!
Mein Herr und Vater, o blicke herab!  		My Lord and Father, look down!
Senke dein Auge aus deinen Höhn!   		Lower your eyes from your height!
Die Kraft, die mir dein Wunder gab,   		The power that your authority gave to me,
laß jetzt noch nicht zugrunde gehn!   		let it not yet perish!
Allmächt'ger Vater, blick herab!   		Almighty Father, look down!
Hör mich im Staube zu dir flehn!   		Hear me, in the dust, pray to you!
Mein Gott, der hohe Kraft mir gab,   		My God, who gave to me great power,
erhöre mein tiefinbrünstig Flehn!   		grant my profoundly ardent prayer!
Translation by Michael Morbach (
Sheet Music/Scores:
The Ultimate Tenor Aria Album (Version 2.0). Published by CD Sheet Music. Available at and
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