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from Act II of the English opera A Midsummer Night's Dream by Benjamin Britten
Libretto: Benjamin Britten

Role: Tytania, the Queen of the Fairies
Voice Part: soprano       Fach: lyric coloratura
Setting: the wood at twilight, near Athens, Greece
Synopsis: Unbeknownst to her, Puck has used a flower on Tytania in her sleep that causes her to love the next creature she sees when she wakes up. Tytania is awakened by the sound of Bottom the weaver singing loudly. Puck has given him the head of an ass in place of his normal head. Regardless, Tytania falls in love with him immediately. She tells her fairy attendants to feed and take care of Bottom and eventually bring him to Tytania's bed.
Range: Tessitura:
E4 - C6G4 - G5
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