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from Act I, Scene 3 of the Italian opera I Puritani by Vincenzo Bellini
Libretto: Count Carlo Pepoli

Role: Sir Riccardo Forth, a Puritan, a suitor of Elvira
Voice Part: baritone       Fach: lyric tenor
Setting: In the Hall of Arms in the fortress near Plymouth, England, during the English Civil War (1649)
Synopsis: Riccardo draws his sword to intercept the departure of the Puritans Arturo and Enrichetta. He challenges Arturo to a duel to the death.
Range: Tessitura:
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Translations/Aria Texts:
Translation into English by Manuel A. Gutiérrez (added 1998-10-13)
Ferma! Invan, invan rapir pretendi, Riccardo's aria from I Puritani

Ferma!                              	Stop!
Invan, invan rapir pretendi         	In vain you try to kidnap
ogni ben ch'io aveva in terra,        	every good I have on Earth!
Ah!, che invan rapir pretendi         	Oh! To uselessly attempt to abduct
ogni ben ch'io aveva in terra!         	every blessing I have in this world!
Invan! Invan! Ferma!                  	Stop! It's useless!
Qui ti sfido a mortal guerra,          	Here I challenge you to deadly war,
trema, ah! Trema del mio acciar!       	do tremble at my steel!
Pretendi invano rapirmi quel sol bene 	Attempt in vain to kidnap the only good
ch'io aveva in terra,                 	I have on Earth,
ti sfido a guerra,                    	I challenge you to war,
ah, trema del mio acciar...           	yes, shake at my steel...
sì, ti sfido a guerra!                	I dare you to war!
Ah! Trema del mio acciar;             	Fear my sword!
invan pretendi, ecc.                  	Etc.

Translation by Manuel A. Gutiérrez (
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