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from Act IV of the Italian opera Otello by Giuseppe Verdi
Libretto: Arrigo Boïto

Role: Desdemona, Otello's wife
Voice Part: soprano       Fach: lyric soprano
Setting: Desdemona's bedroom
Synopsis: Desdemona relates the story of her mother's maid, Barbara, to Emilia. Barbara was in love with a man who jilted her.
Range: Tessitura:
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Translations/Aria Texts:
Translation into English by Lori Decter Purcell (added 1999-07-28)
Mia madre aveva una povera ancella, Desdemona's aria from Otello

Mi parea.					He seemed so to me
M'ingiungse di coricarmi e d'attenderlo.	He told me to undress, get into bed and 
							wait for him
Emilia, te ne prego,				Emila, please
Distendi sul mio letto la mia candida 		Lay out my pure white wedding garments
veste nuziale.					upon my bed.
Senti!  Se pria di te morire dovessi		Listen!  If I happen to die before you
Mi seppellisci con un di quei veli.		Bury me in one of those veils.
Son mesta tanto, tanto.				I am sad always, always.

Mia madre aveva una povera ancella		My mother had a poor maid
Innamorate w bella;				She was in  love and beautiful
Era il suo nome Barbara;			Her name was Barbara;
Amava un uom che poi  l'abbandonò, 		She loved a man that then abandoned her,
cantava una canzone;				And she sang a song;	
La canzone del Salice.				The song of the willow.
Mi disciogli le chiome.				Undo my hair.
Io questa sera ho la memoria plena di 		This evening I have haunted memories 
quella cantilena.				of this lullaby.

"Piangea cantando nell'erma landa, 		"She wept singing in the lonely land, 
	piangea la mesta.				the sad girl wept.
O Salce! Salce!  Salce!				O Willow, Willow, Willow!
Sedea chinando sul sen la testa!		She sat with her head inclining upon her breast,
Salce! Salce!  Salce!
Cantiamo! Cantiamo!				Let's sing! Let's sing!
Il salce funebre sarà la mia ghirlanda."	The willow will be my funeral garland."

Affrettati; fra poco giunge Otello.		Hurry;  Otello will be coming in a little while.

"Scorea noi rivi fra le zolle in fior,		"The brook flowed between  the flowering banks,
gemea quel core affranto,			She moaned in grief,
e dal le coglia le sgorgava il cor,		And her eyes flowed with bitter tears
l'amare onda del pianto,			in which her heart sought solace.
Salce! Salce!  Salce!				Willow! Willow! Willow!
Cantiamo! Cantiamo!				Let's sing! Let's sing!
Il salce funebre sarà la mia ghirlanda."	The willow will be my funeral garland."

"Scendean l'augellia voldai rami cupi 		"The birds flew down from branches
verso quel dolce canto.				towards this sweet singing
E gli occhi suoi piangean tanto, tanto,		And her eyes wept so much that
Da impietosir le rupi."				the rocks pitied her."

Riponi quest'anello.				Here take this ring.
Povera Barbara!					Poor Barabara!
Solea la storia conquesto semplice suono finir:	She used to end her song with this simple saying:

"E gli era nato per la sua gloria, io per amar." "He was born for glory, I for love."

Ascolta.  Odo un lamento. Taci. 		Listen!  I heard a moan.
Qui batte a quella porta?			Who knocks at the door?"

"Io per amarlo e per morire			 "I to love him and to die.
Cantiamo! Cantiamo!				Let's sing! Let's sing!
Salce! Salce! Salce!				Willow!  Willow!  Willow!

Emilia, addio.					Emilia, farewell,
Come m'ardon le cigia!				How my eyes do icth this evening!
È presagio di pianto.				Is it the presence of weeping?
Buona notte.					Good night.
Ah! Emilia, Emilia, addio,			Ah!  Emilia, Emilia, farewell!
Emilia, addio!					Emilia, farewell!

Translation by Lori Decter Purcell (
Sheet Music/Scores:
The Ultimate Soprano Aria Album (Version 2.0). Published by CD Sheet Music. Available at and
Prima Donna's Album. Published by G. Schirmer. Available at and
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