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Opera: Carmen
Composer: Georges Bizet
Description: a toreador
Voice Part: baritone
Vocal Fach: dramatic baritone
Votre toast, je peux vous le rendre, Escamillo's aria from Carmen

Votre toast, je peux vous le rendre, 	Your toast, I can give it to you
Senor, senors car avec les soldats	Sirs, sirs, for along with the soldiers
Oui, les Toreros, peuvent s'entendre;	Yes, the Toreros, can understand;
Pour plaisirs, pour plaisirs, 		For pleasures, for pleasures
Ils ont les combats!			They have combats!
Le cirque est plein,        		The arena is full, 
c'est jour de fete!			it is the feast day!
Le cirque est plein du haut en bas;	The arena is full, from top to bottom;
Les spectateurs, perdant la tete,	The spectators, losing their heads,
Les spectateurs s'interpellent 		The spectators began a big fracas!
	a grand fracas! 
Apostrophes, cris et tapage		Apostrophes, cries, and uproar
Pousses jusques a la fureur!		Grow to a furor!
Car c'est la fete du courage!		Because it is a celebration of courage!
C'est la fete des gens de co		It is the celebration of people with heart!
Allons! en garde! Allons!  Allons!  ah!	Let’s go, on guard! Let’s go! Let’s go! Ah!
Toreador, en garde! Toreador, Toreador!	Toreador, on guard! Toreador, Toreador!
Et songe bien, oui, songe en combattant	And dream away, yes, dream in combat,
Qu'un oeil noir te regarde, 		That a black eye is watching you,
 Et que l'amour t'attend,		And that love awaits you,
Toreador, L'amour t'attend!		Toreador, love awaits  you!
Et songe bien, oui, songe en combattant	And dream away, yes dream in combat,
Qu'un oeil noir te regarde,		That a black eye is watching you
 Et que l'amour t'attend,		And may love await you,
Toreador, L'amour t'attend!		Toreador, love await you!

Tout d'un coup, on fait silence...	All of a sudden, it is silent
Ah! que se passe-t-il?			Ah, what is happening?
Plus de cris, c'est l'instant!  	More cries!  It is the moment!	
Plus de cris, c'est l'instant!		More cries!  It is the moment!
le taureau s'elance 			The bull throws himself out
En bondissant hors du Toril!		Bounding out of the Toril!
Il s'elance! Il entre, 			He throws himself out!  He enters.
Il frappe! un cheval roule,		He strikes!  A horse rolls, 
Entrainant un Picador,			Dragging a picador,
Ah! bravo! Toro! Hurle la foule!	Ah, Bravo!  Bull!  The crowd roars!
Le taureau va, il vient, 		The bull goes, he comes,
il vient et frappe encore!		He comes and strikes again!
En secouant ses banderilles,		Shaking his banderillos,
Plein de fureur, il court! 		Full of fury, he runs!
Le cirque est plein de sang!		The arena is full of blood!
On se sauve, on franchit les grilles!	They save themselves, they pass the gates
C'et ton tour maintenant! allons! 	It is your turn now.  Let’s go!
En garde! allons!  allons! Ah!		On guard!  Let’s go!  Let’s go!  Ah!
Toreador, en garde! Toreador, Toreador!	Toreador, on guard! Toreador, Toreador!
Et songe bien, oui, songe en combattant	And dream away, yes, dream in combat,
Qu'un oeil noir te regarde, 		That a black eye is watching you,		
 Et que l'amour t'attend,		And that love awaits you,
Toreador, L'amour t'attend!		Toreador, Love awaits you!
Et songe bien, oui, songe en combattant	And dream away, yes, dream in combat,
Qu'un oeil noir te regarde 		That a black eye is looking at you
Et que l'amour t'attend,		And that love awaits you
Toreador, L'amour t'attend!		Toreador, love awaits you!
Et songe bien, oui, songe en combattant	And dream away, yes, dream in combat,
Qu'un oeil noir te regarde 		That a black eye is looking at you
Et que l'amour t'attend,		And that love awaits you
Et que l'amour t'attend,		And that love awaits you.			
Toreador, L'amour t'attend!		Toreador, love awaits you!
L'amour!  L'amour!  L'amour!		Love!  Love!  Love!
Toreador, Toreador, L'amour t'attend!	Toreador, Toreador, love awaits you!

Translation by Lea F. Frey (
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