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from Act I of the French opera La Fille du Régiment by Gaetano Donizetti
Libretto: Jean Francois Bayard

Role: Marie, a young woman raised by a regiment of French Grenadiers
Voice Part: soprano       Fach: lyric coloratura
Setting: an army camp site in a valley in the Swiss Tyrolese Mountains, 1815
Synopsis: After inducting a young Tyrolese peasant into their regiment, the grenadiers from the 21st French Regiment call on Marie to sing the invigorating song of the regiment.
Range: Tessitura:
F4 - C6G4 - F5
Translations/Aria Texts:
Translation into English by Robert Glaubitz (added 1998-09-28)
Chacun le sait, Marie's aria from La Fille du Régiment

Chacun le sait, chacun le dit,		Everyone knows it, everyone says it,
Le régiment par excellence		The regiment above all
Le seul à qui l'on fass' crédit		The only one to which everyone gives credit to
Dans tous les cabarets de France...	In all the taverns of France...
Le régiment, en tous pays,		The regiment, in all countries,
L'effroi des amants des maris...	The terror of lovers of husbands...
Mais de la beauté bien suprême!		But definitely superior to those of beauty!
Il est là,il est là,il est là,morbleu!	It is there, it is there, it is there, the devil!
Le voilà, le voilà, le voilà, corbleu!	Over there, over there, over there, by Jove!
Il est là, il est là, le voilà,		It is there, it is there, it is there,
Le beau Vingt-et-unième!		The handsome Twenty-first!

Il a gagné tant de combats,		It has won so many battles,
Que notre empereur, on le pense,	That our emporer, one thinks,
Fera chacun de ses soldats,		Will make every one of our soldiers,
A la paix, maréchal de France!		Marshall of France in peace-time!
Car, c'est connu le régiment		For, it's known the regiment,
Le plus vainqueur, le plus charmant,	The most victorious, the most charming,
Qu'un sexe craint, et que l'autre aime.	Is feared by one sex and loved by the other.
Il est là,il est là,il est là,morbleu!	It is there, it is there, it is there, the devil!
Le voilà, le voilà, le voilà, corbleu!	Over there, over there, over there, by Jove!
Il est là, il est là, le voilà,		It is there, it is there, it is there,
Le beau Vingt-et-unième!		The handsome Twenty-first!

Translation by Robert Glaubitz (
Sheet Music/Scores:
The Ultimate Soprano Aria Album (Version 2.0). Published by CD Sheet Music. Available at and
Prima Donna's Album. Published by G. Schirmer. Available at and
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