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from Act III of the Italian opera Giovanna d'Arco by Giuseppe Verdi
Libretto: Temistocle Solera

Role: Carlo VII, the King of France
Voice Part: tenor       Fach: lyric tenor
Setting: The inside of a English Army fort
Synopsis: Giacomo has realized that his daughter Giovanna's actions to save France were not prompted by the Devil and releases her from captivity by the English. She goes off to fight against the English and saves them and helps them conquer the English. In doing so, though, she is killed on the field of battle. After conquering the English, Carlo and Giacomo are informed of this unfortunate news. While Giacomo weeps, Carlo expresses his grief at her death.
Range: Tessitura:
E3 - G4A3 - F4
Translations/Aria Texts:
Libretto entered by Robert Glaubitz (added 1997-04-17)
Quale più fido amico, Carlo's aria from Giovanna d'Arco

Quale più fido amico me col pugnal ferisce?
Supplice a voi lo dico il trono a chi l'ardisce!
Crudeli, orribil vita dunque lasciate al re?
Oh fosse inaridita nell'anima la fè!
Sheet Music/Scores:
Verdi, Giuseppe. Arias for Tenor. Published by Ricordi. Available at and
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