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from Act I, Scene 1 of the Italian opera Giovanna d'Arco by Giuseppe Verdi
Libretto: Temistocle Solera

Role: Giacomo, a shepherd
Voice Part: baritone       Fach: dramatic baritone
Setting: A rocky area close to the city of Rheims, France, 1429
Synopsis: The English are in retreat and are about to pull out of France altogether when Giacomo approaches them. He offers to hand over his daughter to them for she was the one who rallied the French to victory. He does love his country but he cannot help but fight against the French king whom he believes has brought dishonor upon them all.
Range: Tessitura:
B2 - F4G3 - F4
Translations/Aria Texts:
Libretto entered by Robert Glaubitz (added 1997-04-17)
Franco son io, Giacomo's aria from Giovanna d'Arco

Franco son io, ma in core m'è prima patria onore;
Giurai se alcun l'affronta morire o'l vendicar;
Or questo crin già bianco
Carlo gravò d'un'onta...
Contro l'indegno Franco chiedo tra voi pugnar.
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