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from Act I of the Italian opera Ascanio in Alba by Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart
Libretto: Abbate Giuseppe Parini

Role: Ascanio, the grandson of Venus and Aeneas
Voice Part: soprano       Fach: male soprano|dramatic coloratura
Setting: an altar in the countryside
Synopsis: Ascanio has met his beloved for the first time. However, Venus has caused him to be mute in her presence. He complains to Venus that he cannot stand this situation because he longs to speak of her beauty.
Range: Tessitura:
not enterednot entered
Translations/Aria Texts:
Translation into English by Ugo Berardi (added 2000-04-04)
Ah di sì nobil alma, Ascanio's aria from Ascanio in Alba

Ah di sì nobil alma       How longer I would speak
quanto parlar vorrei,     of such a noble soul.
se le virtù di lei        If you want to know
tutte saper pretendi      all her own virtues
chiedile a questo cor.    ask my heart.
Solo un momento in calma  Ok, Goddes, leave me calm  
lasciami, o Diva.         only a liitle.
Lasciami e poi            Leave me and, after that, I
    di tanti pregi suoi   shall be able to speak to you
potrò parlarti allor.     about many of hers virtues.

Translation by Ugo Berard (
Sheet Music/Scores:
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