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from Act I of the French opera Carmen by Georges Bizet
Libretto: Henri Meilhac

Role: Carmen, a gypsy
Voice Part: mezzo-soprano       Fach: lyric mezzo|dramatic mezzo
Setting: A square in Seville
Synopsis: After Carmen is arrested for fighting another girl in the cigarette factory, Don Jose is assigned to watch her. She sings that she wants to go to her friend Lillias Pastia's inn and insinuates that she would like him to go with her.
Range: Tessitura:
B3 - B5D4 - E5
Translations/Aria Texts:
Translation into English by Lea Frey (added 1997-11-04)

SEGUEDILLA - Carmen's aria from Carmen

Près des remparts de Séville,		Near the ramparts of Seville
Chez mon ami, Lillas Pastia		At the place of my friend, Lillas Pastia
J'irai danser la Séguedille		I will go to dance the Seguedilla
Et boire du Manzanilla.			And to drink Manzanilla.
J'irai chez mon ami Lillas Pastia.	I will go to the place of my friend, Lillas Pastia.
Oui, mais toute seule on s'ennuie,	Yes, but all alone, one gets bored,
Et les vrais plaisirs sont à deux;	And the real pleasures are for two;
Donc, pour me tenir compagnie, 		So, to keep me company,
J'emmènerai mon amoureux!		I will take away my lover.
Mon amoureux, il est au diable,		My lover, he has gone to the devil,
Je l'ai mis à la porte hier!		I put him out yesterday!
Mon pauvre coeur très consolable,	My poor heart, very consolable,
Mon coeur est libre comme l'air!	My heart is free, like the air!
J'ai les galants à la douzaine,		I have suiters by the dozen,
Mais ils ne sont pas à mon gré.		But, they are not to my taste.
Voici la fin de la semaine;		Here it is the weekend;
Qui veut m'aimer?  Je l'aimerai!	Who wants to love me?  I will love him!
Qui veut mon âme?  Elle est à prendre.	Who wants my soul?  It¹s for the taking.
Vous arrivez au bon moment!		You're arriving at the right time!
J'ai guère le temps d'attendre,		I have hardly the time to wait,
Car avec mon nouvel amant,		For with my new lover,
Près des remparts de Séville,		Near the ramparts of Seville
Chez mon ami, Lillas Pastia!		At the place of my friend, Lillas Pastia!

Literal translation  by
Lea F. Frey (

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