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from Act I, Scene 2 of the Italian opera Don Pasquale by Gaetano Donizetti
Libretto: Gaetano Donizetti

Role: Norina, a young widow, Ernesto's beloved
Voice Part: soprano       Fach: soubrette
Setting: Norina's house, Rome, early 19th century
Synopsis: Norina is reading a novel about love. After reading a passage aloud, she explains that she knows all the tricks of ensnaring a man.
Range: Tessitura:
D4 - C#/Db6F4 - A5
Translations/Aria Texts:
Translation into English by Giuseppe Cusmano (added 1998-02-26)
Quel guardo, il cavaliere, Norina's aria from Don Pasquale

"Quel guardo, 			That glance
il cavaliere in mezzo al cor 	it pierced the knight's heart,
Piegò i lginocchio e disse :	he bent on his knees and said:
Son vostro cavalier.		I am your knight
E tanto era in quel guardo	And in that glance there was 
Sapor di paradiso,		such taste of heaven
Che il cavalier Riccardo,	that knight Riccardo, 
Tutto d'amor conquiso,		being conquered by love,
Giurò che ad altra mai,		swore he would not think
Non volgeria il pensier."	to any other woman".
Ah, ah!				Ah, Ah!

So anch'io la virtù magica	I also know the magic virtue
D'un guardo a tempo e loco,	of a glance at the right time in the right place,
So anch'io come si bruciano	I also know how hearts burn
I cori a lento foco,		on the slow fire
D'un breve sorrisetto		of a short smile.
Conosco anch'io l'effetto,	I also know the effect
Di menzognera lagrima,		of a deceitful tear,
D'un subito languor,		of an instant languor
Conosco i mille modi		I know the thousand means
Dell'amorose frodi,		love-frauds use,
I vezzi e l'arti facili		the charms and the easy arts
Per adescare un cor.		used to seduce a heart.

Ho testa bizzarra, 		I have an odd mind, 
son pronta vivace,		I have a ready wit, 
Brillare mi piace scherzar :	I like being witty, joking :
Se monto in furore 		If I get angry 
Di rado sto al segno,		I rarely can remain calm
Ma in riso lo sdegno fo presto 	But I can soon change indignation in laugh,
	a cangiar,
Ho testa bizzarra, 		I have an odd mind,
Ma core eccellente, ah!		but an excellent heart, ah!

Translation by Giuseppe Cusmano (
Sheet Music/Scores:
The Ultimate Soprano Aria Album (Version 2.0). Published by CD Sheet Music. Available at and
Prima Donna's Album. Published by G. Schirmer. Available at and
Anthology of Italian Opera - Soprano. Published by Ricordi. Available at and
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