When the fair land of Poland, Thaddeus's aria from The Bohemian Girl When the fair land of Poland was ploughed by the hoof Of the ruthless invader, when Might, With steel to the bosom, and flame to the roof, Completed her triumph o'er Right, In that moment of danger, when Freedom invoked All the fetterless sons of her pride, In a phalanx as dauntless as Freedom e'er yoked, I fought and I bled by her side. My birth is noble, unstained my crest As is thine own: let this attest! Pity for one in childhood torn From kindred with whom she dwelt, Ripened in after-years to love, The fondest that heart hath felt, Has made me, thus far, faith renew With outlaws chance first linked me to. As a foe, on this head let your hatred be piled, But despise not one who hath so loved your child.