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from Part I : Jerusalem of the Italian opera Nabucco by Giuseppe Verdi
Libretto: Temistocle Solera

Role: Zaccaria, the High Priest of the Hebrews
Voice Part: bass       Fach: lyric bass
Setting: the Temple of Solomon, ancient Jerusalem
Synopsis: The Assyrian army led by Nabucco has defeated the army of the Hebrews and is now poised to enter the city and defeat the Israelites once and for all. The Hebrews fear for their lives and pray for deliverance from the coming invasion. Zaccaria revives their hope by telling them that Nabucco's daughter is their prisoner. He describes how the Lord brought them out of Egypt safely and believes that God will defeat this army with the same power and might.
Range: Tessitura:
G2 - F#/Gb4D3 - E4
Translations/Aria Texts:
Libretto entered by Robert Glaubitz (added 1997-04-24)
D'Egitto là sui lidi, Zaccaria's aria from Nabucco

Sperate, o figli!  Iddio
Del suo poter diè segno;
Ei trasse in poter mio
Un prezioso pegno;
Del re nemico prole
Pace apportar ci può.
Freno al timor! v'affidi
D'Iddio l'eterna aita.

D'Egitto là sui lidi
Egli a Mosè diè vita;
Di Gedeone i cento
Invitti Ei rese un dì...
Chi nell'estremo evento
Fidando in Lui perì?
Freno al timor!
Chi nell'estremo
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